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盛雷城精密电阻有限公司生产的高精密电阻器符合 SJT 10573-1994 电子元器件详细规范 精密固定电阻器RJ75型精密金属膜电阻器 评定水平 EA, 该标准相当于盛雷城精密电阻有限公司的企业标准 Q/SLC 005-4 1995, 是额定功率为1W的大功率金属膜精密电阻器的标准。

精密晶圆电阻,MELF电阻器,RGM 系列高压电阻器,RRX 系列熔断电阻器

The quantity of the tin paste on the soldering pads are the key point of welding quality of the melf resistors, the more the tin paste on the pads, the better welding of the melf resistors will be.

The special procedure and technology applied make the resistors tin whisker free!

盛雷城精密电阻有限公司生产制造的RJM73U0204和 RJM74U0207系列超晶圆电阻器具有超高稳定性和可靠性,是VISHAY公司 UMA0204 和 UMB0207系列的完全替代产品。

Ultra-precision melf type resistors series RJM73U0204 and RJM74U0207 are of ultra high stability and reliability. They are the right cross to Vishay's UMA0204 and UMB0207.

盛雷城精密电阻有限公司又传捷报! 经过盛雷城精密电阻有限公司全体员工的共同努力,盛雷城精密电阻有限公司在2017年5月份的销售收入比2016年同期增长超过 50%! 这一切都有赖于市场部员工的努力开拓,工程部的高新技术产品不断开发和推出,生产部与品管部全体员工一起努力,努力创造出满足用户使用需求的产品!


thunder precision resistor Co., Ltd. has achieved excellent progress both in High-tech new precision resistors, high precision resistor networks as well as high power current sensing resistors and extra-large current shunts and in revenues in the past month in 2017
