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2, regularly open windows, to ensure air quality and safety of staff.


3, avoid eure to the sun,空气消毒机, so as not to affect its appearance or molten metal.


4, you can use disinfection Lou to clean the surface of stubborn stains, should not use sharp sharp hard object characterization.


5. The flame of the alcohol lamp will damage the table, so it should be put on the tripod.


6, air purification engineering experiment table is best to use warm water to clean, then you can choose to use acetone or mild cleaning agent to clean bench, use soap or detergent wipe test, should not use detergent containing abrasive, acid compition to avoid damaging the surface.


If necessary, welcome new and old customers to come to buy! We are in line with the purpse of quality and cheap to provide you with products and services. Sincerely look forward to working with you!

The ambient air through a primary filter press in static pressure box by special blower, through high efficiency filters, the wind blowing from the surface of high speed clean airflow, clean air nozzle at high wind speed by rotating jet to personal goods, effective and rapid elimination of dust particles in the air clothes. The air shower room should pay attention to the following points during operation:


1, after the power supply, double door immediately interlocked,观澜空气消毒机, can only open one of the doors, not at the same time forcibly pull two doors, otherwise it will damage the double door interlock system.


2, from the door into the shower room, close the door, immediately start the shower; shower after, the door has been locked,空气消毒机, only to open out, go out from this,空气消毒机报价, can not be forced to open the door, otherwise it will damage the double interlocking system.


空气消毒机、格润环境(查看)由深圳市格润环境科技有限公司提供。深圳市格润环境科技有限公司(www.gerunozone.com)是广东 深圳 ,污水处理设备的翘楚,多年来,公司贯彻执行科学管理、创新发展、诚实守信的方针,很大限度的满足客户需求。在格润环境领导携全体员工热情欢迎各界人士垂询洽谈,共创格润环境更加美好的未来。
