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King Kong Mesh Screen Window is the window installed on aluminum door and window that can preve

osquitoes and other insects and be folded after high-strength stainless steel wire is manufactured by

heavy precision machinc and subject to powder an

matte treati



The Screen Window is provided with high-strength hardare locks inside. to ensure that the window can not be

opened from outside. The window has shearing resistance. installation resistance and other excellent performanc

so as to realize the folding function.



Dust and oil stain can be cleaned up conveniently and easily. The window will be as bright as anew window

after treated usine dust collector. water absorption sponge or common brush



Aluminum Compoite Wood Door and Window eas the stle of sold wood attached with thcrmal isulan bro en brid re al

The alumnum allo afer the fluorocarbon or electrostatic spran reatment s of mch colors and has excellent pascal perfo

energy-saving effects and extremely strong weather resistance The scientific desigm improves the overall peron

Aluminum Compoite Wood Door and window has outstanding thermal preseration and agat performance and excellent fireproof


The most mportant features of lmmum Compote wood Door and w ndow are thermal preseason ee sav a  soun

insolation. thermal sulation. wund and sanasauce, and also water-preofmng


Aluminum Compoite Wood Door and Window, uses wood and alumnum as the frame matena

outside and broken bride thermal insulation structure inside. The glass used mostly uses hollow

tampered glass. The aluminum material can not only be water-proof and moisture-proof, but als

will not deform easily with its metallicity. which is sutable for water accumulation enviromment

such as the balcony. kitchen and bathroom


Aluminum Compoite wood Door and Window has another importance feature. Broken Bnd

Hollow structure fully reflects the energy-saving environmentally friendly properties of the

door and window. Such a structure enhances the sound insuation and airt

function of thermal preservation and thermal insulation, greatly reducing the

from heating and cooling


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