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The main work table is close to the work rack. It will feed the rolling piece into the rolling mill and accept rolling and rolling parts. Therefore, it is a roller table that often works. So it is called the main work roller table.

When the length of the rolled piece exceeds the main work roller Road, another group of working rollers is involved in the work. This group of rolls is called the auxiliary work roller, or the extension roller.


The ?is made of ?steel with two structures: welding and bolt connection. For the ?of generaland convenient manufacturing, the above three common roller ?he been used as a common component with a standard length, which can be used directly in the design.


The idle roller table is usually driven by the grity of the rolled piece, so the plane of the roller table is made of a gradient between the horizontal plane and the horizontal plane, so as to make use of the grity effect, so it is also called the grity roller table. The rolling mill of a small mill, especially the roller table on the lift table, can use the grity roller without using the rotating roller table. Some of the lengthening parts of the working rollers also use the gritational roller.

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