一呼百应推广 第10年
  • 公司名称 深圳晶庆光电有限公司
  • 主营产品 未填写
  • 所属行业 未填写
  • 经营类型 贸易型
  • 企业成立 1993年
  • 员工规模1
  • 注册资金 未填写
  • 生产规模 未填写
  • 认证信息
深圳市晶庆光电有限公司专注为工业自动化提供光学产品及光学系统解决方案,有着极强的光学设备及非标设备研发定制能力。其拥有自主产权的定倍镜头、远心镜头、一些光学元器件,以及LED工业照明灯与控制器系列产品,产品线齐全、性价高,同时晶庆光电也注重与行业内的知名公司建立良好的协助关系,致力于给客户提供整光学系统一条龙的服务。 晶庆光电拥有资深的光电技术工程师及机械工程师,他们有着十多年的工作经验,多项技术/产品获得了国家的专利。 晶庆光电秉承“客户至上”的理念,快速响应客户的需求,持续不断地改进产品质量,提高服务。 Shenzhen City Celebr-Crystal Optoelectronic Company (For short:CCO) is focused on offering optics products and optics system for industry automation, and it is good at developing optics equipments and nonstandard equipment. The fixed/telecentric lenses,Optical Elements, LED industry illuminations and controllers serials that CCO makes have very good cost performance and full product lines, and CCO pays more attention to build a good relation with some famous companies in the world, so CCO offer all kind of optics products to the customers. CCO has senior photoelectric engineers and mechanical engineers, they have work experience of ten years, their designs and products were applied to national patent and approved. CCO takes the concepts of“Customer first”,rapidly respond to customers’ requirements, and continuously improves the quality of our products and service.
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