一呼百应推广 第9年
  • 公司名称 斯麦泰电子科技有限公司
  • 主营产品 三星SM机器飞达板卡气缸电磁阀过滤器,棉三星各种电源线滑盖,顶针等等。
  • 所属行业 未填写
  • 经营类型 贸易型
  • 企业成立 1993年
  • 员工规模10 - 20人
  • 注册资金 未填写
  • 生产规模 10000
  • 认证信息

Shenzhen SiMaiTai Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen TianHaiWei Hardware Products Co., Ltd.)is specialized in applying  second-hand Mounter, development, production, sales SMT placement machine (FEEDER) and its accessories based private high-tech enterprises. At present, the company low-cost high-quality products for sale, as well as the principles and policies to improve customer service network, a wide variety of domestic and foreign distributors and end-user industries of high-quality suppliers and each other to establish a good reputation.
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