一呼百应推广 第8年
  • 公司名称 唐路丝绸贸易商行
  • 主营产品 丝巾丝绸辅料
  • 所属行业 未填写
  • 经营类型 生产贸易型
  • 企业成立 1993年
  • 员工规模1 - 10人
  • 注册资金 未填写
  • 生产规模 未填写
  • 认证信息


Tang road silk scarf designer by asserting his own ideas, to show the world the Oriental culture. Tang poetry silk road take righteousness prosperous time tang dynasty culture, new the area development all the way, such as silk luster in poetry. With the traditional Oriental culture, makeup dot good-looking high-end women. Tang road design hope that through constant reform and innovation, have lived like a poem. How to combine the art life "and" enjoy luxurious, high-grade, close skin quality life "and" let beauty counterparts, and fashion synchronization, "has always been a tang poem silk road design aim.http://tlsilk.com

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