一呼百应推广 第8年
  • 公司名称 沈阳乾峰机电有限公司
  • 主营产品 未填写
  • 所属行业 未填写
  • 经营类型 生产型
  • 企业成立 1993年
  • 员工规模2
  • 注册资金 未填写
  • 生产规模 未填写
  • 认证信息
沈阳乾峰机电有限公司是专业从事输送机械及各类光机电一体化成套物流输送设备、自动化生产线及各类专机项目设计与制造的高新技术企业。我们拥有一批机械、自动控制、软件、生产品质管理等专业的精英。秉承多年从事物流输送行业的丰富经验,全体员工以“创新求发展,质量求生存,诚心换真心”的企业经营理念,凭借优质的人才队伍,雄厚的技术力量和优质完善的售后服务,赢得广大用户的尊重与信赖。公司设计制造的各类光机电一体化物流输送系统工程广泛用于食品、饮料、蔬果、食用菌、家电、电子、汽车、环保、航空、邮政、仓储、物流、粮食等众多行业。为企业量身定制,做出真正符合客户要求的产品。依靠强大的技术队伍建设,经验丰富的设计人员,完善的生产工艺,科学的质量检验方法,严格的管理制度,完善的员工激励机制,我公司向客户郑重曾诺:质量与服务是我们对客户的保证。</br>Shenyang qianfeng electromechanical co., ltdIs a high-tech enterprise which is specialized in designing and manufacturing transportation logistics of transportation machinery , and all kinds of electromechanical integration equipment.We have a group of professional elites about machinery, automatic controlling , software , production and quality management .Adhering to the many years engaged in logistics and transportation industry experience , Class personnel , Strong technical force and Quality after-sales service , We have won the trust of our customers.The transportation equipment of our company are widely used in many industries of food, medicine, beverages, fruits and vegetables , tobacco , edible fungus , home appliances , electronics, automotive, environmental , aviation ,services, warehousing, logistics, food and others. We can design the products to make enterprise satisfactory according to the requirement of the enterprise itself.
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