一呼百应推广 第7年
  • 公司名称 天津市庆祥伟业农业技术开发有限公司
  • 主营产品 未填写
  • 所属行业 未填写
  • 经营类型 生产型
  • 企业成立 1993年
  • 员工规模2
  • 注册资金 未填写
  • 生产规模 未填写
  • 认证信息
<p>天津市庆祥伟业农业技术开发有限公司坐落于天津市北辰区,是华北地区较大的观赏鱼现代化养殖基地。主营观赏鱼养殖技术开发及推广,农业基础设施建设工程设计等项目,总面积315亩。设有热带鱼养殖车间32个,冷水鱼养殖车间6个,海水鱼养殖车间2个。标准化繁殖车间6个,引进国际先进化过滤设备及大型水处理设备20余套。 建造模拟野生鱼生存鱼环境104处,另有土塘约150亩,适合全鱼种养殖。 公司还拥有专业繁殖科研人员5组,合计员工102人。奠定了我司在华北地区观赏鱼养殖基地中的标杆企业地位。 秉承诚信为先、质量为上、做百年企业的持续化发展的经营理念,以精益求精的企业形象,为广大国内外用户提供高品质的货源和优质的服务,共谋发展,共求双赢。Tianjin Qing Xiang Weiye agricultural technology development co., LTD.,located in Beichen district of tianjin city, is a modern breeding base for ornamental fish in north China. The business primarily focuses on the development and promotion of ornamental fish culture technology, a project design of agricultural infrastructure construction, with the total area consisting of 315 acres. There are 32 tropical fish breeding workshops, 6 cold water fish breeding workshops and 2 seawater fish culture workshops. The standardized breeding workshop 6 introduces the international advanced filtration equipment and more than 20 sets of large water treatment equipment.The dominant aim of it is to simulate the survival fish environment of the wild fish, and 104 areas and about 150 acres of the earth pond suitable for whole fish farming are established. With 5 professional breeding researchers and as many as 102 employeesthe company has also established the location of benchmarking in the ornamental fish breeding base in north China.Our number 1 integrity is to provide high quality goods and service, do the continued development of the enterprise the management idea to improve the corporate image, for the majority of customers at home and abroad. We hope that we can together seek mutual development and enjoy a mutual win-win situation.</p>
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