该企业已通过企业名称认证审核,真实更可靠 一呼百应推广 第10年
  • 公司名称 上海万迪文化传播有限公司
  • 主营产品 机械大象租赁雨屋出租出售vr吊桥出租出售微景观出租出售蜂巢迷宫出租出售模拟冲浪器出租出厂家科技展出租出售荷兰风车出租出售
  • 所属行业 未填写
  • 经营类型 生产型
  • 企业成立 1993年
  • 员工规模50 - 100人
  • 注册资金 未填写
  • 生产规模 10000
  • 认证信息


      Shanghai Wan Di Culture Communication Co., Ltd.


      Shanghai Wan Di Culture Communication Co., Ltd. set commercial exhibition and performance planning as a whole, is currently the most influential and scale one of the largest cultural industry company, main products include: research and development, production and sales of military aviation model, large rain exhibition equipment R & D, production and sales, and so on some high-end exhibition equipment R & D, production, and sales. The main business includes corporate planning, opening ceremony, shopping malls, exhibition services, the development of packaging, real estate planning, exhibition planning, wedding, advertising production, the company has a group of indomitable senior performing arts and exhibition and exploring the planning elite, with the main drive shaft way, creating an advanced and excellent enterprise culture management philosophy, after years of efforts and development, Shanghai has formed a combination of wondey exhibits props production and the advantages of the channel management pattern, regional comprehensive service related to the domestic medium and small city and county, and Hongkong, Macao Special Administrative Region, and has Vanke, Wanda, green, excellence, zuzan, Thailand Hengfeng, country garden, such as real estate group has established long-term friendly relations of cooperation, and successfully serve Wanda, Joy City shopping malls and other well-known activities of the exhibition project, won praise customers. With the information On behalf of the development, the company will continue to be based on the purpose of the service industry, the full use of new media platforms, the exhibition and entertainment industry will continue to lead to new heights.



        Shanghai hangtou town of Pudong

        New Area City East,East No.685

电话Tel :13761992287


邮箱 Email:724226746@qq.com



上海万迪文化传播有限公司专业从事各种大型展览展示模型道具的研发、生产、销售、租赁、服务、为客户提供个性化表演解决方案的综合型高科技企业。公司凭借行业内资深人才和技术精英的优势,并结合自身求实、进取、创新、高效、诚信为本的经营理念,以及对产品的严谨态度,现已成为国内外知名的顶端艺术供应商,适合 楼盘房地产/商场/广场/车展/ 等活动主题  专业打造环保创意类节目:大型展览道具龙马(可以移动,喷水,喷火)性感女神8米梦露 :军事模型展,卡通公仔展,金刚恐龙展,彩绘展等,飞机、坦克、火箭、变形金刚1米到15米款式齐全 仿真态恐龙1米到15米、钢铁侠、恐龙、埃菲尔铁塔展,熊猫、太极熊、多啦A梦、蓝精灵、小黄人、迪士尼人物,柠檬淡淡君,萌狗史努比,海绵宝宝,Holly kiit,麦兜、香港木马展、兵马俑展、彩马展胡桃夹子、好莱坞明星展、玺展、皇家马车等各种道具、美女不倒翁、牛奶浴 ,全息,3D光耀未来、HIGH歌激光舞、激光工程、竖琴, 奥运缶、太空鼓,电光舞、水管舞.等各种高端演艺节目,承接类:晚会、年会、生日聚会、车展、房展、开业庆典、商演等、全国巡演,自己的演员和设备,价格优惠。欢迎随时到本公司参观指导! 真诚期待您的咨询与合作 竭诚与国内外商家双赢合作,共同发展,共创辉煌!
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