一呼百应推广 第9年
  • 公司名称 淄博鲁泽矿山机械有限公司
  • 主营产品 球磨机输送机破碎机振动筛提升机烘干机配件
  • 所属行业 未填写
  • 经营类型 生产型
  • 企业成立 1993年
  • 员工规模20 - 50人
  • 注册资金 未填写
  • 生产规模 未填写
  • 认证信息
淄博鲁泽矿山机械有限公司是研发生产矿山机械设备及成套生产线设备的专业厂家。公司是以生产成套生产线设备为主, 集研发、生产、销售为一体的企业, 公司总部位于山东淄博205国道旁孝妇河畔, 交通便利、地理位置优越。自公司成立以来, 企业以现代管理方法精工制作, 自主创新, 汇集了一批科技精英。 公司有完善的生产工艺, 科学的质量检验方法, 严格的管理制度, 高效的员工激励机制。主要产品输送机系列、筛分设备系列及成套设备生产线技术含量高、性价比高, 广受海内外客户好评! 公司每位员工都以"质量求信誉, 科技求发展, 管理求效益, 服务求市场"为企业宗旨, 竭诚为用户提供可靠、高质的产品, 最佳的服务。 公司总经理孙文龙先生携全体员工真诚恭候国内外人士的光临指导,欢迎来人来函洽谈业务。 

ZIBO LUZE Mining Machinery Company Limited is a joint-stock mining machinery manufacturing enterprise integrated in scientific research, production and marketing of mining equipment, hydraulic machine, petroleum machine, etc. The Company was founded in 1999 in ZIBO city, Shandong province of China, which is one of the biggest heavy industrial bases in China. After 12 years of hardship and development, our company has claimed recognition in mining industry. We cooperate with more than 50 companies in the world on the base of the reciprocity and mutual benefit. Now our products have been sold more than 20 countries and regions. 
The greatest advantage of our company is that we have made an alliance with Chinese manufacturers, including: heavy machine, small machine, accessories, consumptive material manufacturers, so we offer factory-direct prices on all of our products and fully comprehensive after sales service. 
If you are interested in the China National Machine, Chinese mechanical product or delivery from China, we can recommend the best product at the best price and advise for you. Our many years of experience enable us to provide our customers with the most appropriate solutions.
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